We all lose in video games all the time. But only sometimes do we lose in really stupid ways. Thanks to the game itself. Setting us up for failure. Here are ten of the dumbest ways to lose in a video game. Starting off with number 10 Resident Evil 4 early on in the game. You know the lake scene with the boat with the monster well before you hop on the boat and actually engage with the monster.
If you hang out by the dock, maybe a little too close to the water shoot it, the water. The Monster will just eat you and then game over.
You lost it.
You miss out on the actual cool Encounter of the sea monster thing. Nope he just jumps the gun early and kills you. It's really stupid because it's a horror game and you know something's gonna go down in this foggy creepy Lake and yet you hang around by the water and maybe shoot it. What did you expect was gonna happen? But at least you get an achievement or a trophy for doing it.
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