Watch dogs Legion easters eggs

 Have you discovered any Watch Dogs Legion easter eggs? There are plenty to find in Ubisoft's open-world game. Some are fun nods to previous Ubisoft titles, others tie into London's rich culture, and at least one will give you the let's get started : 

Assassin's Creed Syndicate 

Speculation that Assassin's Creed and Watch Dogs take place in the same universe has been around since the release of the very first Watch Dogs game. Many consider it be a certainty, but, as of the moment, it's never been officially addressed. One of the Easter eggs found in Watch Dogs: Legion all but confirms it though.

This Easter egg was actually discovered many months before the game's release when YouTuber JorRaptor stumbled upon an NPC named Sandra Cassidy. She's a professional hitman who, according to her bio, searched for descendants of Jacob Frye. Those familiar with Assassin's Creed Syndicate will recognize this as the name of one of the game's dual protagonists. The reference certainly makes sense given that Legion and Syndicate are both set in London.
Market Mastery
Anybody looking to track down descendants of the Fryes is likely working on behalf of the evil Abstergo Industries. Although traditionally found in the Assassin's Creed series, there's a reference to Abstergo in Watch Dog's: Legion. What's more, it's hidden in plain sight.
When walking past certain branches of Quanta Bank, players can see tickerboards with the latest share prices. One of the stocks on the board belongs to Abstergo, further solidifying the link between the two games' worlds. The board also has the latest price of Nudle shares, which series fans should recognize as one of the businesses found in Watch Dogs 2.
Leap Of Faith
The leap of faith is one of the most iconic elements of the Assassin's Creed series, but it's also possible to pull one off in Watch Dogs: Legion. During the Gap in the Armor mission, players will need to head to the roof of Hamish's home to disarm his security system. Here, they must use the ctOS panel to gain access.
An easy one to start off with. After gaining access to DedSec’s headquarters, you have to bring Bagley back online. Before you do, look left if you’re facing Bagley’s interface. You’ll spot a familiar looking blue police box masquerading as a photobooth. Yep, it’s none other than the TARDIS, Doctor Who’s famous time-travelling ship.
Head to the Tower of London, which you can find in the City of London region next to Tower Bridge. Clear out any guards and climb to the top. There are ladders, boxes, and walls to clamber up, so you can get up there without any problems. Head to a nearby cargo drone pad and you’ll see a wooden perch with a single red shot next to it. The footwear is eerily similar to those worn by Mirror’s Edge protagonist Faith. If you head underneath the perch – don’t jump down or you’ll incapacitate your character – you’ll see the other shoe and dried blood. Not everyone is graceful at performing Leap of Faith moves, it seems.
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